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 FREE CLASSES To SHOW Our Techniques in The Trades...Buying, Selling, Swapping, Bartering, Auctioneers, Collectors, Estate Sales and Storage Auctions, Picking Professionally.

  • LIVE PICKER PARTIES From Your Location, Broadcasted on PICKER NEWS CHANNEL! cooler filled w/sweet tea, Overalls and Work Gloves, Cameras and Ladders and Dandy Dust Brooms and all the Thrills of an All American Picker Party! Yeah America! your Treasures maybe Featured on THE PICKER NEWS CHANNEL TOO!

  • THIS IS OUR #1 SERVICE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC ! EXCEPTION BEING AS COMPARED TO OTHER PRIME TIME PROGRAMS IS #1 *WE DON'T**Make Below the belt hits or offers to later broadcast how much we Made and the Good Folks didn't!*

  • We return w/ CA$H In Hand and package/Ship the Goods to the Highest Bidders or Offers/Collectors and Record the Happy Faces of Customers etc... Cold Cash and in return handing us our simple & Honest fee's of 20% of Sale...We did all the work and walk away with friends for life! WIN/WIN ! no need to go to Sketchy Pawn Shops which is Sad to see if you ask us!

  • Picker NewsOutlet Owners Must pass Prescreening process, Free means Free and Our Services never charge anything until items sold are charged 20% of final Value after sale, Picker News returns w/cash in hand and only then is item removed from owner possession .
  • **Our Customer Support is our top job!** our services are nothing if our customers are not happy...its what we strive for because Absolutely No Advertisement beats Word of Mouth! and Absolutely No Advertisements worse!
  • Nationwide opportunities includes younger Scouts and Retired Elders, Handicap and Challenged Folks We have computer/bookwork and many opportunities online Training, Phone and video training. we reward experts and collectors whom share Info/advise...we welcome all and have a reward system all Straight up and honest as its simply a percentage of what gets sold.

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